Recipe for Success? More Like a Recipe for Purpose!

What you were put on this earth to do. 

The unique value you offer. 

Your North Star. 

What you’re going to be when you grow up. 

Thinking about purpose in terms of what you're meant to do in life can be pretty overwhelming.

It's a huge question that seems to demand a definitive answer.

Here's a different take: think of your purpose as a recipe, with your skills, talents, values, passions, and interests as the ingredients.

These might change a bit over time, and how you mix them can lead to different outcomes. It's like how flour, water, and salt can make bread, pasta, or cake – your ingredients can create various paths of purpose.

So, break it down.

Get out a piece of paper and write: 

  • What are your core values? 

  • Your strengths? 

  • What are you into these days? 

  • How do you want to make an impact? 

List these out and start mixing them to see what unique 'recipes' of purpose you can create.

This is a much less overwhelming approach to purpose. 

Don't stress about nailing down one everlasting overarching purpose for your entire life.

Remember, the person who finds purpose in tutoring today might end up writing a book offering advice for teens tomorrow. It's all about the same goal – helping young people – but the methods can change. 

Purpose should evolve with you, not feel like a heavy burden. Let it be a guide that helps you grow, not a rigid frame that confines you.


Fresh Approaches to Finding Your Purpose in 2024


The Myth of Work-Centered Fulfillment: Embracing a Broader View of Purpose