Quick Pause: 5 Strategies to Unwind in Under 5 Minutes During the Holidays

As the year winds down, the pace of life seems to ramp up. Whether you're traveling or juggling a myriad of tasks, the end-of-year chaos can be overwhelming.

To carve out moments of tranquility amidst this frenzy - try these 5 techniques.

Practice Box Breathing

This simple technique involves breathing in for 4 counts, holding for 4, breathing out for 4, and holding again for 4. It's a proven method to reduce heart rate and calm nerves.

5 Strategies to Unwind in Under 5 Minutes During the Holidays

Weekly Priorities Check

Begin and end your week by setting and reviewing three key goals. This brief reflection can keep you focused and fulfilled.

5 Strategies to Unwind in Under 5 Minutes During the Holidays

Do Something Hands-On

Whether it's a craft project, a home improvement task, or gardening, these activities allow your mind to take a break and focus on the present moment.

5 Strategies to Unwind in Under 5 Minutes During the Holidays

Admire the Stars

Embrace the early evenings by stepping outside to admire the stars. Bring along a warm drink for a touch of comfort.

5 Strategies to Unwind in Under 5 Minutes During the Holidays

Create a Family Tradition

Establish a weekly ritual where each family member shares a highlight of their week on a post-it note. Save these notes and revisit them at the end of the year for a burst of joy and nostalgia.

5 Strategies to Unwind in Under 5 Minutes During the Holidays

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