Meet the Generalists

Da Vinci: artist/scientist/inventor 
Jobs: designer/entrepreneur/visionary
Franklin: diplomat/scientist/writer

Three great generalists from history.

These people excelled by bringing expertise from different domains together to create something new.

Different paths, all multi-hyphenates.

We all know the outcomes these historic generalists produced.

What we don’t often see is the process.

What it actually looks like the moment that generalist skillset goes to work and leads to the next breakthrough or invention. Or all the factors and failures that happen in the middle to get them there.

At Lived and Loved, we are all about storytelling. Capturing the things that make someone who they are and the moments that matter. That is exactly what we’re doing in this series.

Meet Breaking the Mold: Generalists Who Thrive in a Specialist's World.

Join us as we explore real-life examples of generalists connecting dots, innovating, and finding solutions.

Each week, we’ll hear from one modern-day generalist about a problem they tackled using their unique toolkit.

Get ready to meet some fascinating multi-hyphenates!


Steve Perkins: Generalist Entrepreneur