Aqua Zumaraite: Generalist jump-in-and-learner

Imagine it's your first day at a new job. As you sit down with your managers, you're taken by surprise when they reveal that you will be leading an additional function, starting today.

A gulp of panic. But then you realize: "I've got this." You're no stranger to navigating unfamiliar territories with limited guidance. After all, being a generalist is what you excel at.

This exact scenario unfolded for Aqua when she started her latest role. Walking in, she discovered that she would not only be managing operations but also taking over the partnerships side of the business. Her new bosses recognized Aqua's unique skill set even before hiring her and knew she would rise to the occasion.

Aqua tapped into the quick-learning toolkit she had developed in her previous role when she (with no prior experience) found herself leading email marketing. She hit the books (metaphorically, of course) and researched everything from email strategy to actually coding in HTML. In no time, she had the function up and running, supporting the business in a new way. 

This time around, she took a similar approach and dove into learning how to navigate a partnerships function. She jumped in head first, learning from her team and those around her. And again, in no time, she was up and running as a leader of this new domain. 

Meet Aqua Zumaraite, Do-er / experimenter (who isn’t afraid to fail) / startup enthusiast 

She realized recently the term ‘generalist' perfectly described her specific approach to work and life. After feeling frustrated about constantly getting bored in specialist roles after 6-9 months, she was introduced to the concept and saw herself in everything she read about generalists. 

After working for larger firms, she found her way to startups and fell in love with the culture and ability to do a little bit of everything. At her current company, Flexa, Aqua is able to continue expanding her ever-growing list of responsibilities and skills. 

Her boss recently described her as “a bit of a: CRM-admin-hotel-booking-organization-chasing-logistics-events-strategy-data-PR-marketing-partnerships-social-inputting person.” Or, a CAHBOCLESDPMPSI manager :) 

She shares this advice for other generalists: 

  • People don’t always know what a generalist is if they haven’t worked with one or aren’t one themselves. If you are job-hunting, it can get frustrating focusing on specialist job boards where you don’t fit neatly into the box. Go to more niche sites like Generalist World and startups where there is a deeper understanding of generalists 

  • Surround yourself with a strong community. Once you figure out that you are a generalist - connect with others and tap into the depth of knowledge that can help you grow. 

Join us in Breaking the Mold: Generalists Who Thrive in a Specialist's World as we explore real-life examples of generalists connecting dots, innovating, and solving problems.

PS. Aqua loves to chat with other generalists so drop her a note and say hi!


Nick Zeisler: Generalist reshaping the ‘box’


Nic Errol: Generalist Career Engineer