Map Your Future Career

What do you want to be doing 2-3 jobs from now?

Don’t have an answer yet?

3 Weeks, 3 questions & 1 framework will give you clarity and confidence.

Week 1 Question

Think about your current role and previous roles.

What are 5 things you enjoyed and want more of in the future and 5 things you definitely don’t want to do more of in the future?

(Things can be types of work, cultures, interaction models - whatever comes to mind for you)

Week 2 Question

Write down 3-5 things you are supremely good at.

These things come naturally to you, you can do them without a great deal of effort. Other people admire these things about you.

Week 3 Question

Let your mind wander to when you are kicking butt in the future.

You are at work and you are entirely in a flow state. What are you doing? Who are you working with? What environment are you in?

Write down as much detail as you can about your future self.

Summary Framework

After completing 3 weekly questions, use this framework.

Review your answers and use them to create a list of what you want to be doing 2-3 jobs from now. AND how to get there with a growth plan!