3 Week Best Self-Assessment Ever

Dreading self-assessment season?

It doesn’t have to be painful.

3 Weeks, 3 questions & 1 framework set you up for an amazing year.

Week 1 Question

List 5-7 things you are proud of from the past 12 months.

These can be from your personal life (ran a marathon, learned how to broil a chicken), professional life (rallied the troops to solve a tough problem, got on stage in front of 200 people), or inner life (invested in your mental health, adopted a new mindset). The important thing is finding 5-7 things you did that really matter to you.

Once you have the list, write next to each one why you are proud of that accomplishment. Again, this is all about why you are proud so don't spend time on things that matter to other people but not to you.

Week 2 Question

List 3-5 things that challenged you this year.

Like in week 1, these can be things from any realm of your life. I know not all challenges happen within the confines of your workday.

Challenges can include: something you pursued outside your comfort zone, something unexpected that life sent your way, or a really tough problem that you solved. The key is to find the things that pushed you this year.

Once you have your shortlist, add three things next to each item.

  • what made it hard

  • what was the end outcome

  • what did you learn, how you grow because of the challenge

Week 3 Question

Imagine it is Dec 2023 (one year from today). You are reflecting on the past year. Fill in the blanks.

2023 was my best year yet!

I'm so proud that I accomplished [big thing 1] and [big thing 2].

I invested in myself by [learning or growth thing] and developed a new habit [what is it?] that helps me [grow, take care of physical health, etc].

I let go of some things that weren't serving me anymore like [bad habit 1] and [unhelpful mindset] and that freed me up to be [amazing thing].

The year wasn't without challenges. I overcame [thing you expect to happen] by [asking for help, developing a skill, etc]. My biggest growth edge for the year was [thing outside your comfort zone you will have to do].

I can't wait for 2024 when I'll take on [big new challenge].

Summary Framework

After completing 3 weekly questions, use this framework.

Review what was challenging in the past year. Reflect on how you grew and overcame challenges.

Prepare for what lies ahead in 2023 and have a plan for creating a year of growth and achievement.

instructions for goals template